Wednesday, June 5, 2013

May's Vulva of the Month Package!

We sent some decadent Vulva Love to our 
Vulva of the Month Club members last month

  • 1 Lavender Unseen Goddess
  • A potential new product trial! Our Custom Blend Yoni Steam
  • 1 sparkly Vulva magnet

To grab one of this month's open spots e-mail
 *Be sure to include your country and if you want to pay up front or monthly

What is our Community Supported Vulva program, you ask?
Here is a video explaining the basics of it: ({video})
Here is our full blog post on the program: ({Blog})

1 comment:

Yehuda said...

I love love love this month package! :-) It came here to Israel with no issues, surprisingly because of the 'tea :-)