Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Love Letter to my Vulva: Queen Bee

Dear Queen Bee, before we truly knew each other,
raped and abused we were both left to suffer.
Confused, we went our separate ways.
Lonely and broken, we spent most of our days:
wondering why it was we felt that way.
I felt useless, like a broken jar of clay.
I tried healing on my own, but it was the day we met again
That our true journey of love and healing would begin
Misguided I felt it wrong at first
to satisfy the love of which I thirst.
Then one day I came upon a crazy store, Vulvalovelovely.
It was then that I made my greatest discovery.
I am normal and so are you.
It was from then on that our love grew.
I realize now that you never gave up on me.
So now I must thank you my little Queen Bee.
So my special vulva I love you,
and I can’t wait to walk through life with you.
Love Your Student, Lover, and Friend, 

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